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  • Writer's pictureMuvah

A Letter To My Younger Self

Updated: Dec 4, 2022

The decade of my thirties is coming to an end! And today, I feel nothing but gratitude and excitement about what the next phase of life has in store for me.

So I decided to do a bit of reflecting and dig deep to see what the younger version of me would have to say about the woman you see before you today.

Here goes...

You’re feeling more confident in yourself and your abilities - personally, professionally, and spiritually. You’re learning to give yourself grace which is major because you’ve always been so critical of yourself - while giving everyone else all the grace in the world.

You now know that you are worthy of the abundance of love you receive! Continue to open your heart and receive what’s rightfully yours.

Girl - you’ve even learned to accept compliments and toot your own horn instead of nonchalantly replying “I’m trying”. Sis you’re “doing” and doing it well!

You’ve flipped your losses into lessons and you’ve healed from past trauma that was meant to take you out. While you have been buckled under the pressure in the past, you were never and will never be broken.

You’re a great mom, wife, daughter & sister. Continue to be the light that your tribe needs and deserves. Continue to shine unapologetically as you walk into the next season of greatness that God has in store for you.

And always remember - you are loved, you’re a rockstar & Psalms 46:5 will always work in your favor!



To those that are reading this, thank you for always supporting, encouraging & believing me! And to those that push me, I got you!!

Until next time,


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